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I sunk your battle ship.
Monday, Aug. 19, 2002 @ 6:17 a.m.

Now really, when people meet me they usually end up making a comment about my intelligence. And I mean they comment in the affirmative, not in the, "Geez, your dumb."

Not bragging. It's just this is important to the rest of this short story.

So, yeah, people think I'm pretty smart, and really I guess I am, BUTgood lord I can do the stupidist, most stereotypical blond things. *yes I was born a blond, and it steadily darkened over the year, to it's current ashen state.*

So, um, just now, like 20 minutes ago. I turned on the hot water in my tub. Was just going to put an inch or so, so that an hour later my cast iron porcelain coated tub, would be all toasty and the bathroom would have a pleasant humidity going.


Yep, that was the plan.

Where the plan went wrong was that I walked away to start my coffee, and the dishwasher was running, so I couldn't hear the tub water running.

Yep, I walked back to find my bathroom under an inch of water.


BUT what is really ironic. The kicker to this story? *makes me chuckle even* Was, are you ready? I was taking an I.Q. test while the flood of the century was commencing in my restroom. Yeah, the score it gave me, really--It was way to high for an air head like me who leaves the tub water running to flood their house and home.

Oh well. I know those of you who know me, still love me a great deal, despite my blatant attempts at proving my airheadedness.

Love to you.

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� Madrigle, 2000-2007

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