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green thumbs
2001-04-08 @ 8:57 p.m.

So, as I've said before I love my patio garden. It's a place for me to get away from it all. A place to tidy up when I'm procrastinating from some more mundane task. Something to occupy part of my mind, and allow me to think about and process more complex issues, as well as burn up some nervous energy.

I love my little pocket of paradise, but I am so excited at having the opportunity to expand my botanical prowess. I've felt a bit alienated, being a organic gardener in Houston. I get baffled looks at the garden centers when I ask for green sand, colloidial rock phosphate, or cotton seed meal. I'm feeling a little bit more at home now that I have my friends, and fellow organic enthusiasts at The Garden Gate, and Wabash Feed Store.

Last Saturday, I met June, at The Garden Gate. She is this great British lady, with Elton John style glasses. We were laughing and giggling, not unlike me and Terry the week before. She did something magical for me. Something I'm sure that will soothe my soul for a long time, as long as I'm here in Houston in fact. She told me of Houston's 26 community gardens. Empty lots that have been transformed into little organic treasures, for us gardener's and the surrounding neighbors.

I promptly drove over to the corner of Mandel and Richmond, to see this gem firsthand. It is a beautiful plot. The beds wind and turn in and around each other, in a paisley like design. Flowers are interspersed here and there among the wonderful vegetables. Barbara, was there to greet me and introduce me to the program. She said that if I come to work an hour a week, I can pick all that I would like. (What a bargain!) And if I stuck around long enough I would have my own plot in no time! I'm so excited. I tasted arugula, and Italian dandelions for the first time! We snacked on sugar snap peas as we meandered among the paths. We talked of our favourite varieties, and our favorite ways to encourage healthy soil. There is just something about gardeners. A kindredness of our souls.

I can't wait to get over there and put my hands deep into the rich black earth!

And I swear, nothing builds biceps like turning a compost pile. Hehehe!

Love you guys!

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� Madrigle, 2000-2007

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Birth of Stars, Acrylic on Panel, 36" by 48" Collection of the artist

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