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How I've whiled my day.
Monday May 2nd 2003 @ 4:25 p.m.

mmmm today has slip, slip, slipped on by.

I did make some fabulously wonderful pancakes con fresa for breakfast.

1/4 cup oat flour

1/4 cup barley flour

1/4 freshly toasted wheat germ

1/4 freshly toasted pecan bits

1/4 old fashioned rolled oats

1 tblsp melted butter

1 cup soy milk

3/4 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

1 1/2 tsp granulated fructose

generous dash of cinamon

one egg

Mix all together, of course combine the wet ingriedients and mix. Combine the dry seperately and mix, then combine altogether gently so they don't get tough. Cook on griddle, yada yada yada

Homemade strawberry syrup to top

Sliced pint of strawberries.

Granulated fructose to taste or sugar, I probably used 2 tablespoons.

pinch of salt

tablespoon of butter

1/4 tsp. balsalmic vinegar

dash of black pepper

let simmer for 10 minutes.

Serve warm over pancakes.

Then I . . .

Hmm. don't really remember.

Oh yes, went through caboodles of pics and emailed entires sets off to Sam, as I was severely delinquent in getting that done. That took about 3 hours actually, then I had a gap in time which I can't really account for, except that I was mostly sitting here, must have still been messing around with the computer.

Talked to mummy and daddy, harrased Mia the wonder dog soon after. Did I mention that all the day long the buffy final episode has been playing on my tv as a kinda' surreal soundtrack for the day. Made coffee VERY late, around noonish [oh dear this entry is loosing it's sequentality] BLended apricots for birdie bread, made that and chocked it full of goodies, like chopped turnip greens, raisins, wheat germ, rolled oats, corn and peas, blackberries, they better think it is nummy, damn it! :)

intermitantly have messaged, Sam, Divo, and my Niece Jacque. I'm waiting for the birdie bread to finish baking, then divo and I are supposed to go elliptisize in the little gym at my place. Sam mentioned something about coming over and going to the camera shop so we can get my b-day present. [a battery charger to replace the one that konked out on me] Although I have a suspicion he got somethign else for me also. Cause he needed my address the other day for something.

Anyway, I think that is pretty much my day so far.


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