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urchin spunk, budget crunch, and girls night out in LA
Monday, Sept. 29, 2003 @ 11:00 p.m.

To say my students chewed me up and spit me out today is putting it mildly. I felt like a first year teacher on the first day.

My schedule for teachers to rotate out to me for gardening with their classes went Kablooey and I spent a couple of hours reconstructing it.

Mrs. Fluff called and told me my budget for the outdoor area has been cut in half. Thing is I've spent 4,000 bucks and, yep you guessed it, that equals half my budget. So I don't know who's butt I'm going to pull the irrigation system for 16 vegetable beds out of. But we have to have it or not have the beds at all, or the program for that matter.

I leave for dinner tonight and discover I have a flat tire. A rather intimidating homeless man was camped out at the corner air pump, so I pulled into the walgreens parking lot and wipped out a can of fix a flat, only to be approached by a different bum. I agreed to help him, when a police car pulled up and proceeded to arrest him for alleged assault earlier in the day. Crazy.

That was the icing on the cake, at which point I decided today was most assuredly a sushi for dinner day. I go to Oishii for dinner, and order my usual special B, which featured UNI tonight, that would be raw reproductive organs of sea urchin, which I've never had before. I didn't know it was on there, I really didn't pay attention. I wasn't going to eat it once it arrived, it was only one piece out of the whole assortment anyhow. With a little incouragement from the waitress I popped it in my mouth, chewed twice, and promptly started to silently gag. I tried to act as natural as possible, and not like a person with a mouthfull of urchin ovum, and walked to the bathroom all the while silently gagging (a talent I didn't know I possesed) I got to the bathroom and promptly evacuated the urchin spunk from my mouth, wondering all the while if the Garcia affect would kick in and ruin Sushi as a whole for me. (wink c)

I had calmed down about the whole budget thing, then I called my dad, and he rehashed it all, and well, here I am at 11:30 on a school night still awake 2 hours after my normal bedtime and not the least bit sleepy yet! Thank you pounding temples.

With her great timing, Mal called and we proceeded to have a girls night out in LA, via cell phone. We decided on hot fudge sundays. I found the closest dairy queen for her on but we ended up in a McDonald's drive through. There was much laughing and much poking fun at each other, and much espoucing of our mutual adorations, and confessions about real life showing up for finals nightmares for a class you never attended. (that would be be that did that, freshmen year, communications 215)I passed.

Habibi says I should go in tomorrow and get to the bottom of the budget sitch.

I say I should stay home tomorrow and go to the art museum.

Mal gave me permission to stay home, after she pointed out how passive agressive it is. She's right.

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� Madrigle, 2000-2007

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Birth of Stars, Acrylic on Panel, 36" by 48" Collection of the artist

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