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Compost with Rabbit Droppings
Saturday, December 13, 2003 @ 7:41 p.m.

I painted this last Sunday to represent the chemistry strand of our curriculum at school, and with it's completion brought to an end my first commision ever as an artist. Four seperate paintings to make the front office 'scream the theme' as it were. (Were a science magnet elementary school) Each representing the four main areas of study the children undertake; physics, chemistry, earth/space, and life sciences. Anyway, the compost ties in to chemistry in the fact that decomposition demonstrates a chemical change, as well as the fact that composting is studied by many of the grade levels, and certainly experienced by all when they are out in the garden with me. I'm not happy with these photos but I'll update them later. Some reflection bleached out the the greenish layers. Anyway, that's the little pile of bunny turds up at top, we have four rabbits that are much beloved, and much appreciated for supplying manure for the garden. Hugs.

Compost with rabbit droppings, 36" by 48" acrylic on canvas 12/2003

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This icon is in the titles of entries with images. Most images are taken with my Nikon Coolpix 775 or Coolpix 8800. All image editing accomplished with my trusty Corel Photopaint 12. Pictures taken by the author are attributed as such. All others are attributed where able.

� Madrigle, 2000-2007

Site designed by Madrigle. All words are the intelectual property of Madrigle. Images are the property of Madrigle unless otherwise noted or used in the review of a movie or book.

birth of stars
Birth of Stars, Acrylic on Panel, 36" by 48" Collection of the artist

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