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5 weird things, almost.
Saturday, Feb. 04, 2006 @ 9:08 a.m.

The lovely Zuzu has tagged me to share five weird things that I do. This will be a exercise in honesty, and in really sharing. How much will I tell?

Number 1 oddity; I have a phobia of mail. I do. Luckily my mailbox now hangs on my front door. I�m confronted with the mail daily, and, I kid you not, the fact that the mail box was on my front door at this place factored heavily into my decision about choosing this apartment. For although I have a phobia, I do want to get over it. In Houston, I would go MONTHS, literally months without checking the mail. I would receive notes from my postlady pleading with me to empty my box more often. Family would enquire as to why there letters, cards, what have you, would be returned. Um, yeah, so even when I check the mail, it lays around in piles till I can deal with it.

2: I�m a clutter bug, there is an empty bottle of body shampoo in my shower. It�s been sitting their for 4 months. Empty. It would be a simple thing to throw it away. And I will, but still, it�s just sitting there. Empty. In the way. There are lots of things like that
in my life.

3: Maybe this isn�t so weird, but I believe I have the ability to taste authenticity. I�ll go to a restaurant, lets say Cuban, and proclaim to me, myself, and I in my head on the authenticity of the place. Now I�ve never been to Cuba (or anywhere out of the country, save Ciudad Juarez) or even known anyone of Cuban decent, but I�m convinced I have this ability, to taste authenticity. Regardless of the cuisine.

4: I�m fairly obsessive. I listen to the same cd for weeks, sometimes the same song for hours. I find books I like and read them 4,5, or a great deal more times. The same with movies. Once a year at least in the case of the book, Dune. Sometimes a single word gets stuck in my brain and repeats itself over and over. Pounding itself into my brain. I got obsessed with the game Pharoah, playing it for hours a day. Even dreaming about it. Constructing new and grander Egyptian cities in my brain. Then one day, I woke up and realized I hadn�t even thought about it in weeks and didn�t even know where the cd for it was. Completely dropped from my life.

And last, but not least.

(deleted) So much for the exercise in honesty and sharing.

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