
Monica - 2004-03-15 07:26:52
I know how you feel, i'm a very jealous person. Andre and i went through a time where i was constantly accusing him of cheating on me, everything he said or did i made out to be something else like he had some ulterior motive to hurt me. I blamed him for feeling that way, then one day my friends just told me to shut up and look at what i have. Not everyone is out to get me, i don't know if he has cheated on me but i knew that i couldn't continue to blame him for something that may or may not have happened, i had no proof anyways. Anyway, i hope that things get better and that it's all in your head. But that does suck that they invite Habibi but not you and that he accepts. Do you have anything in common with his friends? Are they your friends? I wish that i could give you a hug because i know that it is hard.

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