
Redpurse - 2006-01-24 00:15:33
Madrigle!!! You are so wise and knowing when it comes to portfolio-ing, help me please?! Love to you. P.S. You'll hear from them.
boann7 - 2006-01-24 00:23:41
your paintings are delicious, divine and inspired beauty. do you paint for approval.. no.. you paint because you have to....its like needing to breathe. so stop holding your breath...xxxooo
angel - 2006-01-24 16:24:35
i'm sure you'll make it - you are an artistic phenom!! they'd be blind to not fall in love with your work!
ZuZu - 2006-01-26 11:59:24
I'm glad you liked the new shroom. I know what you mean about the stem and the very flesh-like color of the gills. It was so frustratingly dark and I don't bring a tri-pod with me. I do my best to be steady but I always get blur - it was very dark and I HATE using the flash - refuse to really - it completely ruins a picture. The graininess doesn't bug me so much as the blur. This was an even bigger problem with the turkey tails. At least with the red one I could lay down and steady my elbows.. all the turkey tails are from above and there was just no way to steady further. I think I'm going to post a few of them anyways just because their colors were so cool (and/or maybe I'll try again in better light with those.) Ah... glad you liked yesterday's pic, nonetheless! - Zu

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