
boann7 - 2006-01-30 01:31:12
im sorry.. i hope your honey is going to be ok.
x-plicity - 2006-01-30 11:20:27
angel - 2006-01-30 13:02:42
Awww.. it's no good when pets are sick. they're our children! *hugs*
flying-kiwi - 2006-01-30 14:54:05
:o( I hope she gets better soon.
ZuZu - 2006-01-31 12:10:36
*GASP!* What is wrong with her? Is she okay? Are you okay?
Sommer - 2006-02-01 10:08:46
Poor mia, I wish heer a quick recovery.
ZuZu - 2006-02-01 21:25:16
Glad to hear Ms Mia is home safely and mended. YES, it really IS insane... I just find myself sighing very heavily from time to time.. it's all I can think to repond... - Zu

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