
ZuZu - 2006-02-13 23:37:08
With regard to dog hair.. I dunno.. it bothers me and I completely adore my dog (she's the best thing.) I have a friend with a dark haired dog that sheds like crazy and frankly all of her furniture looks dirty all the time, because it's covered with black dog hair - and the sheets are her bed look gross (again, covered with black dog hair.) My dog has light hair and while there might be equal amounts of sed hair around the house and on the furniture, it doesn't show up as much - unless I wear the dreaded black fleece, then it shows up and I can't seem to get it off... and I love the dog and I'm pretty fastideous about brushing her and vacuuming and I wash fleece blankets, weekly, that I drape of the furniture, etc... but the hair does still bug me - oh well.. so it bugs me.. I love her more than I'm bugged by her hair.. and anyone who loves me better damn well love her too (even if the hair bugs them) - or they can just leave.... - Zu
flying-kiwi - 2006-02-13 23:43:50
At least if you need to shake him off, you can always resort to turning up for dates with dog hair all over your clothes. You could even say things like "They pee when they meet new people" or something >;o)
Sommer - 2006-02-14 09:54:38
It's easiest if they're groomed frequently and are not allowed on furniture, it works out a lot better, trust me Oso is only on the couch if he's on my lap...

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