
Zuzu - 2006-06-01 02:38:34
Xander is nice. Here's a few others to ponder: Xochi, Bob, Iago (or James), Vanya (or Ivan) and Anatoly (Sharansky.)
Redpurse - 2006-06-01 12:22:11
Try a real crazy name like Peeve....then you could introduce your new bird like this....."this is my new pet, Peeve!" Or something equally silly like Filthy Whore....then if it ever got out you would have the satisfaction of standing outside yelling...."Filthy Whore come home!" Just some suggestions from the bottom of the barrel. R
Zuzu - 2006-06-01 12:50:56
I would like to say he was hot. I bet he really was once - really, hot, I bet. He was past retirement age and I have to say I feel really lucky that I got one of his last pieces. He wasn't retiring altogether - but he was going to start resaling other people's furniture - no longer creating his own. Not to say that older men and woman aren't hot. I'm just saying that's not how I would describe that particular older man. - Zu
flying-kiwi - 2006-06-01 17:29:09
Zander is a cool name for a parrot. Failing that you could try "peefor" (P for parrot) or "Beefor" (B for bird). My dad always said if he owned a racehorse he'd call it Fred (can you hear that in a race commentary?). Naming things is actually quite hard, maybe create a short list and wait until the parrot arrives...sometimes animals (and babies) just LOOK like a certain name. xox

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