
x-plicity - 2006-08-25 10:14:23
It's good to see that you're leaving your options open. *huggles*
Zuzu - 2006-08-25 13:44:22
AHHHH.. massage is our FRIEND! you think THAT dream was fun, you should hear the rest of 'em. Man, do I dream in fun concepts.. I usually wake up pretty happy because the "movie" last night was great. last night I dreamt I was in a hotel room with my boss and his roomate and we had to flush everything we could as the DEA was coming up to bust our drug-making/smuggling/selling activities. We got most of it flushed. The roomate fled (because he's spineless.) The boss and I did our best before the officers broke down the door. He got hauled off and I was there while they went through the rest of our stuff looking for contraband. There were some suspicious things left - an envelope with cash and drug-making ingredience (actually it was just packages of raw sugar, but somehow this is a product in some illicit drug - heh.. or maybe we were just making placebos!) but not the actual contraband. The bossman was able to answer questions wisely at the precint and was eventually released. I was never formally arrested. I picked him up at the precinct and we took a hovercraft scooter through the streets of San Francisco, through a parade of native Africans. An African village woman, dancing in the ceremony/parade, came up to the bossman and said, "the white girl shouldn't be up there." My response, "you have no idea..." What does it all mean? Well, given that I work in H!V, to me it was a metaphor for the US response to A!D$ in Africa - what do you think? - Zu

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