
Zuzu - 2006-10-11 12:04:05
Oh honey, it sounds icky. Go get yourself a body massage or three and then a hot tub and maybe a REAL green-eyed man, that stuff'll help you sleep better than beer! I'm sorry it's been rough, but good for you on the comp day arrangement thing. With regard to Ed, ten years going on eleven - the butt. On another topic, there's a beautiful book by Jane Anne Phillips called "Shelter" - I think you'd like it. Some of the paragraphs I'd read over and over again and cry simply because they were just that beautiful - not because they were sad - beautiful. If you don't have tons of time (which it sounds like you really don't have time for novel reading right now) then just pick up her book "Black Tickets" - which is a lovely series of short vignettes.
x-plicity - 2006-10-11 12:25:37

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