
Tanya - 2007-01-29 22:54:05
I love you with or without hair. Boys do need product, that's for sure. Spread the word!
x-plicity - 2007-01-30 10:12:23
If the hair is boyish then it's kind of sweet. *grin*
Zuzu - 2007-01-30 13:03:35
I miss you!!! And I'm totally jealous of your lavender store. - Zu
flying-kiwi - 2007-01-31 15:33:54
LOL! Stupid hair and stupid jeans are on my list of Things I Hope My Son Does Not Do. Stupid Jeans are those that are way too baggy and slide down revealing underwear that could do with a wash. Proper fitting jeans do so much more for a guys backside.
Zuzu - 2007-02-02 20:10:07
There's a store in the ferry building that does tons of lavender... but NO culinary lavender. What a waste. But have you ever tried creme de violette?
Zuzu - 2007-02-04 13:40:54
Re: the show poster, it's ABSOLUTELY LOVELY!! I'm nearly in tears here.. I'm SOOO proud of you. On that comment on finding out late in life who you are, who you're supposed to be... THAT does not exist. I think we're very lucky to EVER find out who we're supposed to be (and many, many people never do) and the kicker is is that even after you've figured out who you are, in ten or so years even THAT changes, and on some level (but with a toolbelt of experience) you must start again. I think if we find value and beauty in search, the journey and the arrival, we win. That doesn't mean it's always "easy" or "enjoyable" - but I think it means we're present enough in it, aware enough in it, to me sucking the marrow from it - each part requires very different kinds of nourishment... (or maybe I'm full of shit.) The book that talks about the Mayan's is called "Secrets of the Talking Jaguar." I KNOW you would love it. And if you do, you must make the painting of the part with the blue butterflies because it's magical and haunting and I think you'll see yourself in it. - Zuzu
Zuzu - 2007-02-04 13:42:06
Oh yeah...I've yet to find/try Creme de Violette. I read about it here ( A bookmark think we should have attend to regularly (grin.)

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