
boann7 - 2005-10-07 18:17:31
Zuzu - 2005-10-07 19:14:47
What a GREAT idea.. keep us posted on that slovenly slobbish one - I wonder, sometimes, if intention REALLY makes a difference. Why do you think it is that we crave such a bridge between science and belief? I had an interesting e-dialog with a boy on this subject. He contended that there's no basis for things like creationism - how it's not supportable and people who believe it are "illogical." The reader's digest version of my thoughts on this are that creationism is a fine story and I think most people take it as a story. While both science and religion are frameworks for interpretting our world (the bridge? they're both frameworks?) - science is far more limited to the measurable world. Why is it that unless someone is measurable it's deemed illogical? I can't measure love by standard western scientific method - but I believe in it, I feel it - my experience of it is my proof. Why isn't that enough, I wonder. Not scientific? Well certainly, science cannot rightly measure the depth and breadth of my emotional life well.. does that mean it doesn't exist? Are we doing the spiritual world wrong by trying to bridge it to science? Much of science is founded on unproven theory - but seems folks don't talk about that much (don't get me wrong - I'm a science geek - I like order in the chaos of my universe.. er.. sometimes.) - Zu

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